Good Shepherd Institute

Through the Church the Song Goes On

GSI Organ Recital

GSI Organ Recital

Join us November 10 in Kramer Chapel at 4:30 p.m. for the annual Good Shepherd Institute Organ Recital, presented by Dr. Jeffrey Smith, professor of music at Indiana University.

GSI Choral Vespers

GSI All Saints’ Choral Vespers

The Schola Cantorum, under the direction of Kantor Kevin Hildebrand, will sing at a special Sunday evening Choral Vespers service in Kramer Chapel November 10.

GSI Hymn Festival

GSI Hymn Festival

The public is invited to a special hymn festival at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, November 11 conjunction with the Good Shepherd Institute Conference at CTSFW.

GSI Hymn Festival CD

Alleluia! Sing to Jesus: Hymns at Concordia Theological Seminary

“Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (CTSFW), is pleased to announce the release of a new recording, “Alleluia! Sing to Jesus: Hymns at Concordia Theological Seminary.” The recording, available in audio streaming and CD format, features hymns from Lutheran Service Book recorded live at Choral Vespers and hymn festivals at CTSFW.

Dr. Paul Grime Dean of the Chapel at CTSFW

Dr. Christopher Boyd Brown Associate Professor of Church History at Boston University

Dr. Lester Ruth Research Professor of Christian Worship at Duke University

Rev. Stephen Starke Pastor Emeritus of St. John Lutheran Church (Amelith), Bay City, MI

Sunday, November 10

3:00 p.m.Registration (Sihler Auditorium)

4:30 p.m.Organ Recital – Jeffrey Simth

Jeffrey Smith is Professor of Organ at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.

7:30 p.m.Choral Vespers

Bach, Cantata 9, "Es ist das Heil uns kommen her" ("Salvation Unto Us Has Come"); Schütz, "Sing to the Lord a New Song"
- Schola Cantorum
- Chamber orchestra and soloists
- Kantor Kevin Hildebrand, director
- Kantor Matthew Machemer, organist

8:45 p.m.Reception (Student Commons)

Monday, November 11

7:30 a.m.Registration (Sihler Auditorium)

7:35 a.m.Early Morning Prayer Office

8:40 a.m.Welcome (Sihler Auditorium)

8:45 a.m.Back to the Sources . . . and Forward Too: Luther's Multifaceted Approach to Hymn Writing – Paul Grime

Luther could be appropriately described as a jack of all trades. He was a deep thinker, a master communicator, and the bold leader of a movement. He was also a hymn writer who displayed great ingenuity. This presentation will consider the multiple sources upon which Luther drew as he launched an unbelievable movement that continues to inspire hymn writers to this day.

10:00 a.m.Chapel

11:00 a.m.Sectionals

Topic descriptions will be provided at the conference.

11:45 a.m.Lunch

1:00 p.m.Intermezzo – Midday Recital

Jonathan Young, piano; Natalie Young, soprano
Jonathan Young teaches piano at Purdue University Fort Wayne. Natalie Young is Associate Artistic Director and Principal Vocal Artist at Heartland Sings in Fort Wayne.

1:30 p.m."Slanderous, Abusive, and Shameless Little Ditties": Lutheran Hymnody after Luther – Christopher Boyd Brown

Luther's friends and students in his own and the following generations treasured his musical legacy and built upon it, adding new hymns of their own composition and constructing a distinctive new repertoire of song for churches, schools, streets, and homes. The power of that repertoire was prized by its singers even as it was lamented by Luther's opponents.

2:30 p.m.Break

3:00 p.m.Sectionals

4:00 p.m.Sectionals

5:00 p.m.Evening Prayer

5:30 p.m.Reception and Banquet

7:30 p.m.Hymn Festival

- Seminary Kantorei, Kevin Hildebrand, director
- Fort Wayne Philharmonic Brass
- Kantor Matthew Machemer, organist

Tuesday, November 12

7:35 a.m.Early Morning Prayer Office

8:45 a.m.Who Invited "Contemporary Worship Music" to the Party? Historical Insights into the Rise of an Alternative Way of Worship – Lester Ruth

Seventy years ago no one spoke of "contemporary worship," especially as a technical term to mean a distinct way of worship featuring pop-based music. But today? Contemporary Worship aka Praise & Worship is a ubiquitous phenomenon that transcends denominations, liturgical traditions, and even the globe. Liturgical historian Lester Ruth will explore how this state of affairs came to be, highlighting the internal theo-logic of the movement, a necessary step to understanding it, even if one wants to reject it.

10:00 a.m.Chapel

11:00 a.m.Challenges for the Modern Lutheran Hymn Writer in the Face of Ecclesiastical Indifference, Insularity, and Intolerance – Stephen Starke

One could define hymns as dogma (doctrine) and doxa (praise) sung in a congregational setting. In the face of the many fine hymns already in our hymn corpus, this presentation will explore and seek to answer the questions of why Lutheran hymnists keep writing new hymns and why the Church should take note and bother to sing them.

Please note: Tuesday's lunch is not included with registration but is available for purchase in the Dining Hall.

Location Information

  • Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne
  • 6600 N. Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN, 46825 US

LeeAnna Rondot

Community Services Director
Admin. Assistant—Continuing Education
Phone: (260) 452-2204
Email: [email protected]

Email LeeAnna Rondot

Registrant Information

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The GSI banquet takes place Monday evening, starting at 5:30 p.m. ET. Select a banquet ticket option for this registrant:


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