Luther Hostel

Timely Topics for the Life of the Church

Wednesday, November 6

7:00-8:15 a.m.Breakfast

Dining Hall

7:45-8:15 a.m.Registration

Luther Hall

8:20 a.m.Welcome

Dr. Gifford Grobien

8:30-9:55 a.m.Session I

"Categories and Degrees of Sin" with Dr. Grobien

10:00-10:45 a.m.Worship with Holy Communion

Kramer Chapel

10:45-10:55 a.m.Coffee with Students

Student Commons

11:00-11:55 a.m.Session II

"Faith as Consolation and Justification" with Dr. Grobien

12:00-1:00 p.m.Lunch

Dining Hall

1:00-2:00 p.m.Free Time

Attend class, visit the bookstore, or enjoy free time.

2:15-3:15 p.m.Session III

"Some Timely Topics on Paul's Letter to the Philippians" with Dr. John Nordling

3:30-4:30 p.m.Session IV

"Roe v. Wade, Dobbs, and the Life of the Church" with Dr. Peter Scaer

4:40-5:00 p.m.Advancement Presentation

"Stewardship, Legacy Giving" with Rev. Matthew Montgomery, Advancement Officer

5:00-5:30 p.m.Welcome Reception

Luther Hall

5:30 p.m.Dinner

Dining Hall

Thursday, November 7

7:00-8:15 a.m.Breakfast

Dining Hall

8:30-9:55 a.m.Session V

"What Is Education?" with Dr. Geoffrey Boyle

10:00-10:35 a.m.Morning Worship

Kramer Chapel

10:30-10:55 a.m.Coffee with students

Student Commons

11:00-11:55 a.m.Session VI

"The Inside Scoop on the Development of 'Lutheran Service Book' with Dr. Paul Grime

12:00-1:00 p.m.Lunch

Dining Hall

1:00-2:55 p.m.Free time

Attend class, visit the bookstore, library & architecture tour, or enjoy free time.

3:00-3:55 p.m.Session VII

"O Love, How Deep: How a Medieval Hymn Speaks to the Faith of Today" (on LSB 544) with Dr. Todd Peperkorn

4:00-5:00 p.m.Session VIII

"How to Love Your Neighbor When You Disagree: Politics, Theology, and Family in Community" with Dr. Todd Peperkorn

5:15 p.m.Dinner followed by Table Talk

Dinner in the Katherine Luther Dining Hall with table talk to take place in Luther Hall with Dr. Jeffrey Pulse

Friday, November 8

7:00-9:00 a.m.Breakfast

Dining Hall

8:00-8:55 a.m.Attend Class

9:00-9:55 a.m.Session IX

"Lutherans on the Frontier" with Dr. Cameron MacKenzie

10:00-10:30 a.m.Morning Worship

Kramer Chapel

10:30-10:55 a.m.Coffee with students

Student Commons

11:00-11:55 a.m.Session X

"Luther's Small Catechism as a Handbook for Parents and Children" with Prof. John Pless

12:00-1:00 p.m.Lunch

Dining Hall

1:15-2:15 p.m.Session XI

"The Early Christians" with Dr. Carl Beckwith

2:30-3:30 p.m.Session XII

"The Nicene Creed: God as the Self-Giving God" with Dr. William Weinrich

3:45-4:30 p.m.Student Panel

4:30-4:45 p.m.Closing Thoughts

Dr. Gifford Grobien

5:00-6:00 p.m.Dinner

Dining Hall

7:00 p.m.Depart

Dr. Carl L. Beckwith Professor of Historical Theology

Dr. Geoffrey R. Boyle Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions

Dr. Paul J. Grime Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Mission

Dr. Gifford A. Grobien Professor of Systematic Theology

Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie The Forrest E. and Frances H. Ellis Professor of Historical Theology

Dr. John G. Nordling Professor of Exegetical Theology

Dr. Todd A. Peperkorn Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions

Prof. John T. Pless Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions

Dr. David P. Scaer David P. Scaer Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology

Dr. Peter J. Scaer Chairman and Professor of Exegetical Theology

Dr. William C. Weinrich Professor of Historical Theology

Dr. Jeffrey H. Pulse The Dean O. Wenthe Professor of Old Testament Theology

Wednesday, November 61:00-2:00 p.m.

Dogmatics II with Dr. Roland Ziegler
Liturgics I with Dr. Paul Grime
History of the Office of Deaconess with Dr. James Bushur

Thursday, November 71:00-2:55 p.m.

Dogmatics 1 with Dr. Roland Ziegler
Dogmatics I with Dr. Carl Beckwith
Theologia II: Preaching with Dr. William Weinrich

Friday, November 88:00-8:55 a.m.

Catechetics with Dr. Geoffrey Boyle

Location Information

  • Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne
  • 6600 N. Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN, 46825 US

LeeAnna Rondot

Community Services Director
Admin. Assistantβ€”Continuing Education
Phone: (260) 452-2204
Email: [email protected]

βœ‰ Email LeeAnna Rondot

  • (includes all meals)

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