Donation Day

CTSFW’s annual Donation Day, sponsored by the CTSFW Seminary Guild, will be held Tuesday, October 14, 2025. Donation Day has been an annual tradition at Concordia Theological Seminary since it was started on the Springfield campus in the early 1900s. For over 100 years, women from congregations near and far have collected donations of food and clothing for our students and their families and brought them to the Seminary. 

The tradition continues in 2025. We invite you to spend a morning with us on campus. Drop off donations, worship in Kramer Chapel, learn more about how congregations and LWML groups are supporting the work, and eat lunch with other guests and students in the Dining Hall. If you are interested in attending or registering to eat lunch with the students, RSVP to Katherine Rittner, Director of Co-ops, and Phyllis Thieme, Seminary Guild President, by Friday, September 26, using the contact information below! 

For more information about the CTSFW Seminary Guild, click here. 

For information about the Co-ops, click here.

Miss Phyllis Thieme

Seminary Guild President
Phone: (260) 485-0209
Email: [email protected]

Email Phyllis Thieme

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